Quand tu l'attends avant de sortir...

When you wait for him before going out...

Guys, you know that endless moment when you decide to go out with your darling and she makes you wait forever because Madame is still not ready!

The worst thing is that at the start she stresses you out, like, go get ready, you take a lot of time, we're going to be late because of you !

Except that for us men, it's jeans, a t-shirt, stylish accessories, a pair of pumps and that's it! In the end you hurry, you tell him Honey it's good let's go! She answers yes I'm almost done except she just got out of the shower!

30 minutes later, you have time to play 4 games of Fifa, it's still not ready...

The worst to finish when we arrive at the guests, his 1st sentence: "Sorry we're late because of Doudou ...!!!!" You try to defend yourself but she will deny to the death that it is your fault because you stayed to play the Play!

Hey darlings ? tell me if i'm lying in the comments!

Speaking of Playstation, check out these stylish controller keychains! I click to find out!

Jade and Thierry

All rights reserved

September 22, 2021
Elles sont dures tes chaussettes!

They are hard your socks!

When I favor humor over criticism, we have a better evening. The message gets through, but at least we laugh and it doesn't end in loud voices, or everyone on their side of the sofa.

The typical example is the case where I could sigh deeply and overwhelm him with reproaches because he still seems not to have integrated that in order to keep our floor clean, we must take off our shoes at the entrance . I see him walking with his big pumps all over the apartment, on the kitchen tiles, on the beautiful parquet floor in the bedroom, in short.

Instead of getting upset , I take him in my arms, we wonder how our day went, and then on the way I step on his feet and I say to him “hey? your socks are hard. He just has to answer "ha ha ha". Wink. The debate is closed.

It may depend on the couples, but for us, a lot of things pass with humor. 😉

Do you manage to calm Doudou with humor? Look forward to reading your comments!

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"A couple that lasts"
Discover our collection Fun couple socks of the moment
September 15, 2021
Quand je l'accompagne faire du shopping...

When I go shopping with her...

When we go shopping, I arm myself with what is called PATIENCE ! I love my little wife, I don't want to but really don't want to go there but I know that she appreciates these moments that we share outside the house...

So I say to myself, go put it in a good mood don't be grumpy with her, but there are times when I say to myself shit I should have stayed at home!

The moments she walks into a store, she knows she has no money to buy that bag or that dress or that pair of heels or ALL THE STORE WHAT ! But she will stay there for 1 hour watching her even try, I pity the saleswoman a few times...

I stay patiently, I advise, and especially as soon as I enter the store I watch and look for the 1st bench or seat that the store makes available! With hindsight, I think that stores anticipate the patience of spouses by making this furniture available!

Anyway, I went shopping with my wife this weekend! Hey you guys, reassure me that I'm not the only one enjoying this sweet moment!

By the way look in the vacation category, I found a foldable seat that would be great to take on shopping days, I click to find out!

Jade and Thierry

All rights reserved

September 08, 2021
Ces 3 mots qui m’énervent !

These 3 words that annoy me!

When I ask him a question, when I ask his opinion, when I want to know which option he prefers, it's not to hear him say: “as you wish” . It annoys me !!!

If I absolutely wanted to do as I want, I will. If I ask him, it's because his point of view interests me , and in general it will be determining for the continuation. It can be related to a simple choice of "what are we eating tonight?" or a larger project.

And then we are a couple, I don't do exactly "as I want". I do what we decide, together, to do.

There's another thing, maybe by answering "whatever you want", he really wants to leave the choice to me, that he doesn't care, and that he doesn't want to make the decision. But the problem is that I too have trouble making a decision... So I rely on him, and we find ourselves in an endless debate:

As you wish !

But you, what do you want?

Well I don't know, I asked your opinion!

But I don't care, do what you want!!!

But I don't want to do what you want, I want to do WHAT MAKES YOU PLEASURE!!!

Well my beautiful love, if what gives you pleasure is to tell me "whatever you want", we will do what I want then. 🙂

How about you darlings ? What are the 3 words your Doudou says to you that annoy you?

Tell us in the comments!

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"A couple that lasts and goes well"
September 01, 2021